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Volume 0
Franfurt: RQM

Otter Creek

Location Deposit Type Commodities Size Status
Northwestern British Columbia Lode gold Au 8,704 ha 100% Ownership

Garibaldi’s Otter Creek Project

The Otter Creek lode gold prospect consists of 8,704 total hectares and is located 12 kms east of Atlin in northwest British Columbia. Atlin has been a rich placer gold mining district since the Klondike gold rush from the mid 1800s to the present day, rivalling Barkerville during the Cariboo gold rush. Until recently, the source of Atlin’s coarse gold placers had remained elusive.

The first announcement of a new lode gold discovery on Otter Creek was made by British Columbia Geological Survey (BCGS) geologists in a 2017 published paper titled “A new lode gold discovery at Otter Creek: another source for the Atlin placers.” Garibaldi had previously acquired 100% ownership of the hard rock mineral rights on the discovery section of Otter Creek. Placer operations enabled geologists to sample and map the bedrock in excavated pits before backfilling, allowing access to BCGS geologists who published the lode gold discovery.

The Otter Creek lode gold discovery provides strong evidence that Atlin’s rich coarse crystalline gold placers are sourced from proximal high-grade gold veins emplaced in bedrock rather than eroded, distal listwanite deposits as previously believed. Garibaldi’s new acquisition in the Atlin Gold fields consolidates a core land package that occupies nearly the entire 10 km length of Otter Creek. Significantly, Garibaldi’s geology team considers the expanded claims package covering the Otter Creek placers as an important exploration priority. With excellent road access and infrastructure, the discovery of bonafide in-situ bedrock-hosted gold, is a remarkable find with enormous potential. 

Sample of 2016 in-situ bonanza bedrock gold-quartz vein in phyllite sampled from Garibaldi’s Otter Creek project.
Sample of 2018 in-situ bedrock gold-quartz vein sampled from Garibaldi’s Otter Creek project.

Otter Creek Project Highlights

  • In 2017, the British Columbia Geological Survey published a paper titled “A new lode gold discovery at Otter Creek: another source for the Atlin placers.” detailing a new lode gold discovery collected from Otter Creek (see: Mihalynuk et al., 2017. A new lode gold discovery at Otter Creek: Another source for the Atlin placers. British Columbia Geological Survey P2017-01-10)
  • Placer mining uncovered significant mineralization in bedrock, resulting in multiple samples of in-situ bedrock gold along Otter Creek. Bonanza grade gold is hosted in quartz veins emplaced along structures in phyllite bedrock. The coarse gold in bedrock supports a new placer source for the Atlin Gold Fields.
  • A large north-south trending fault, with a series of secondary faults, extends along Otter Creek providing a key structural setting for lode gold deposition. Rich placer deposits have been mined along these creeks and faults since the mid 1800s.
  • Otter Creek and the neighboring creeks including Spruce, Birch, Pine, Ruby and Wright Creeks have produced some of the largest gold nuggets discovered in British Columbia, weighing from 24 to 83 oz of gold.
  • Garibaldi’s Otter Creek database includes 2282 MMI samples, a compilation of 1,884 historic soil samples, 15 IP lines, 143 km of walking mag, 263 line km airborne magnetic and electromagnetic (DIGHEM) surveys. MMI surveys highlight a N-S trending Au-in-soil anomaly along the structural trend of Otter Creek. Additional MMI anomalies are present to the northwest at the Snake Creek target.
  • Drill target development will utilize the historical database, bedrock exposure locations of gold-bearing quartz veins, geophysical data, and analysis of a 728 sample SGH survey, used successfully in Red Lake Ontario to identify gold prospects.

Garibaldi’s primary focus is E&L Nickel Mountain in the Eskay Camp; however, the Atlin project is an exciting project to add to a diverse portfolio of prospects with significant upside and potential. Garibaldi looks forward to continuing work on the Otter Creek project in the coming 2022 season.

Mihalynuk et al., 2017. A new lode gold discovery at Otter Creek: Another source for the Atlin placers. British Columbia Geological Survey P2017-01-10


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